Thursday, December 15, 2016

Letter: 12 December 2016

​Dear all,

We can truly feel that Christmas is in the air! People are more open to hear what we have to share and we can see how the spirit of Christ and Christmas are softening their hearts and putting a smile on their face. 

This week we had such a special moment when we had a correlation meeting with our branch mission leader. He shared a powerful testimony and concluded with the promise that every day there is someone who is prepared to accept the gospel here in Jihlava. We are working hard to find them! We know that as we are obedient and work to our fullest, that qualifies us for the spirit and it is the spirit that will soften the hearts of those we find and teach. 

And we have seen miracles happen this week! We are trying to simply share a powerful but simple testimony on the street with all that we meet, even if they begin to decline and we have seen so much success from that! we have had people decline us and start to walk away but as we share our testimony with us, they have accepted to meet with us again and learn more. The spirit really is working with us! 

This week we had some funny memorable experiences. I really love making sure that those we are working with know how much we love them. And this included doing some funny things. We teach a man that owns a yoyo shop and so we took interest in his yoyos and after a lesson, he taught us a trick! 

Also, when we went to visit Jarka and Erik this week, Erik was having a hard time at school and so we helped him feel better about his sports class by doing somersaults with him. He was afraid to do them since he thought he would bump his head but after we showed him (thank goodness we wear so many layers in the winter and can modestly do anything!), he felt so much better and we left leaving him with a big smile on his face. I really love all those who we teach!  

This Christmas season is already so special with the markets and the smell of cookies coming from each window. We had a special experience yesterday when we finally visited a less active family that we have been trying to visit all this transfer. They were all very sick and I felt prompted to ask them if they wanted a blessing. They accepted! (Miracle!). We went over with the elders and after the blessings, I asked them if we could sing them a Christmas hymn. They accepted! and all were singing and smiling by the time we said goodbye and left! we know it helped to bring the spirit of Christ into their home and softened their hearts. Singing really is such a tool of goodness here! I love it! 

This week I have decided to study 2 Nephi 9 and really break down every single verse and just learn as much as possible from it because it is such a wonderful chapter about the Gospel and the atonement. I loved learning all about the spirit world and covenants this morning! I have found many ways in which to help our investigators already! 

I look forward to working hard and having a really righteous week (that is my goal.  We always are but it just sounds so good!).

s laskou,
Sestra Manners 

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