Dear loved ones,
Today we decided to go on a bike ride with one of our English students and it helped me to see that we really can learn so many lessons from everything that we do. It was such a spiritual experience for me!
We rode a total of about 40km and it was up and down hills and through the most gorgeous countryside! It was gorgeous but also really hard! it was uphill and downhill and up again and there was a lot of changing gear, rethinking and pedaling our legs til they could peddle no more. (I was grateful that I am not a pioneer and that our mission is not usually a biking mission). But it was so much more than just a P-Day activity.
I learned that we are never alone. My tire went flat but our handy friend (in life he can be our neighbor or even our Saviour) helped me out. He was prepared when I wasn't. He could do what I couldn't and he saved my bike and helped my trip to still be wonderful. Just like the atonement!
I also learned that we sometimes do not know others circumstances very well and therefore we should not judge. We all had very light aluminum bikes, Elder Pickett did not. He was slow at times (we all were) but never complained. Our friend Pavel only told us afterwards. How many times have we done that in life? Judged someone before knowing their story of even just comparing ourselves to them, both positively and negatively. Only the Saviour (or in this case our handy friend Pavel) knew the full story and there he could help.
I learn so many lessons every single day and P-Days are just alike! Missions are incredible! I also finally got to watch conference (in English on our phone using a headphone while the branch watched it on a projector in Czech so we could all be together) and it was incredible. EVERY SINGLE QUESTION I HAD WAS ANSWERED!!! The speakers truly were inspired of God.
I know that I am a daughter of God and that He loves me. We have so much worth and so much potential. Learn from your bike rides. Cherish them. Love the downhill and the uphill. Learn to love when you have to ask to help and never be afraid to do so.
Jesus is the Christ and lives and loves you. Like Pavel helped me today, He will always help you.
S laskou,
Sestra Manners
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